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Siddik, M. A. B., Dickson, K. E., Rising, J., Ruddell, B. L., & Marston, L. T. (2023). Interbasin water transfers in the United States and Canada. Scientific Data, 10(1), 27.

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Siddik, M. A. B., Amaya, M., & Marston, L. T. The water and carbon footprint of cryptocurrencies and conventional currencies. Journal of Cleaner Production.

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Ao, Y. Z., Siddik, M. A. B., Konar, M., & Marston, L. Food, Energy, and Water Production within Watersheds of the United States. Water Resources Research.

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Siddik, M. A. B., Grubert, E., Caldwell, P., & Marston, L. T. (2023). Retirement of US fossil fuel-fired power plants will increase water availability. Journal of Hydrology, 617, 128984.

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Siddik, M. A. B., Shehabi, A., & Marston, L. (2021). The environmental footprint of data centers in the United States. Environmental Research Letters, 16(6), 064017.

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Siddik, M. A. B., Chini, C. M., & Marston, L. (2020). Water and Carbon Footprints of Electricity Are Sensitive to Geographical Attribution Methods. Environmental science & technology, 54(12), 7533-7541.

Conference Presentations

  • Marston, L., Siddik, M. A. B., Grubert, E., & Caldwell, P. V. Retirement of US Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants Increases Water Availability. In Fall Meeting 2022. AGU.
  • Marston, L., Ao, Y. Z., Siddik, M. A. B., & Konar, M. Food, Energy, and Water Production within United States Watersheds. In Fall Meeting 2022. AGU.
  • Siddik, M. A. B., & Marston, L. Water to Keep the Money Flowing: Conventional vs. Crypto Currencies. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2022. EWRI. (Poster Presentation)
  • Marston, L., & Siddik, M. A. B. Mapping and Modeling Interbasin Water Transfers within the United States. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2022. EWRI.
  • Ao, Y. Z., Siddik, M. A. B., Konar, M., & Marston, L. Direct and indirect watershed dependencies of US Cities. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2022. EWRI. (Poster Presentation)
  • Marston, L., Siddik, M. A. B., Dickson, K., Ruddell, B., & Rising, J. (2021, December). Mapping and Modeling Interbasin Water Transfers within the United States. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. (Vol. 2021, pp. H34C-03)
  • Siddik, M. A. B., Marston, L, Shehabi, A. The hidden water footprint of our digital society, 2019. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 2019. (Poster Presentation)
  • Marston, L., Chini, C., & Siddik, M. A. B. (2019, December). Evaluating attribution methods of water and carbon footprints to electric energy consumers. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. (Vol. 2019, pp. GC31H-1362)
  • Siddik, Md. A. B., Marston, L, Shehabi, A. Water and carbon footprint of data centers. K-State Graduate Research, Arts, and Discovery (GRAD) Forum. March 2018. (Poster Presentation)

Selected Research Coverage

  • NPR News. Data centers, backbone of the digital economy, face water scarcity and climate risk. (story picked up by over 35 media outlets)
  • Associated Press “Big tech data centers spark worry over scarce Western water” by Andrew Selsky and Manuel Valdes (story picked up by over 180 media outlets)
  • YAHOO! News “Google to replenish 20% more water than it uses by 2030” by Paresh Dave
  • American Geophysical Union EOS “U.S. Data centers rely on water from stressed basins” by Andrew Chapman
  • RTVi News Television news interview regarding drought in western US
  • YAHOO! News “‘Irresponsible use of our water’: Drought-stricken cities question value of data centers” by Olivia Solon and April Glaser
  • NBC News “Drought-stricken communities push back against data centers” by Olivia Solon
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